The All About Respect bystander training programme aims to empower you to become an active bystander and be part of the solution in stopping and preventing harassment in your student community.

Have you ever laughed at a joke you thought was inappropriate or cruel? Have you ever been concerned about a friend’s behaviour on a night out but not known how to help? You have been a bystander, and we are all bystanders to human behaviour all the time. It can be difficult to know how and when to intervene and help your friends and peers. Yet All students regardless of gender, sexuality and religion “are entitled to enjoy a safe and positive experience at university” (Universities UK, 2016, p. 1).

Our All About Respect Bystander Intervention training is now available. 
Evidence suggests that sexual violence, harassment, and hate crime are frequent experiences for many people across society, particularly university students. We have developed this Bystander Intervention Training to raise awareness of the problematic issue of sexual harm, and highlight the power of the bystander.
The training is delivered through our site and involves watching a series of videos and taking part in some online activities. The training is designed so you can work through the material at your own pace.  At the end of the training, we hope that you will have developed a better understanding of sexual violence alongside a greater awareness of techniques you can use to challenge this behaviour. 
If you would be interested in completing the training or finding out more, please visit 


There are two ways you can tell us what happened