Have you experienced or witnessed a hate crime?

To raise concerns within the university - click here for the HR intranet link

If you would rather remain anonymous - click here to report your experience anonymously

If you are unsure about what to do and wish to discuss your options you can contact Victim Support. 

Call the FREE national Supportline on 08 08 16 89 111, (24/7)

Get support online - see Victim Support website

Start a live chat, available across England and Wales, (24/7)

Request support online 

Access My Support Space - a free online resource containing interactive guides and videos

 Further Support

Supporting Victims; for support if you think you are a victim of hate crime in North Yorkshire Tel: 01609 643100

True Vision provides information on reporting hate crime. If you do not wish to talk to anyone in person about the incident or wish to remain anonymous, there is an online form for reporting hate crime; you can report non-crime hate incidents to the police to try and prevent any escalation. https://www.report-it.org.uk/

TELL MAMA supports victims of anti-Muslim hate 

Community Security Trust supports victims of antisemitism

York LGBT Forum has information and advice specific to hate crimes targeted at LGBT individuals.They also have the details of linked police officers. 

Samaritans Helpline/email Tel: 116 123 jo@samaritans.org 

Citizens Advice York provides some useful information on the different types of harassment and hate crime people may experience including hate crime based on disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or transgender status and sexual harassment.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened